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Technical translation and CAT tools

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14 October 2021
Main problems and challenges in the translation process
4 November 2021

Why should you choose a translator who works with CAT tools?

Almost all professional translators use CAT tools (computer-assisted translation). This should not be mistaken for machine translation. As we all know, no software can replace the unique ability of humans to interpret the meaning of a text. But CAT tools are definitely helpful when working with voluminous materials, helping to maintain a systematic vocabulary.
How do such tools work? For example, catalogs often contain segments that appear multiple times in the text. The first time we translate a segment, the software automatically completes it in the target column as soon as it appears again. This saves the translator time and ensures consistency.
The most important feature of the CAT tool is the translation memory, which is a database of previous translations. Thanks to this, updating the catalog will not require you to translate the whole thing from scratch, as the tool compares the source segments of the updated document with the source segments that are already in memory.
Why is it worth cooperating with a translator who works with such tools on a daily basis? Well-managed CAT tools are a direct benefit to the customer. Apart from the already mentioned consistency of translations, an important advantage is the speed of work, as the translator can complete entire projects in a much shorter time. It also saves costs – before we quote a price for a new job, we use a tool to analyze source files taking into account the number of repetitions of sentences or other segments.
CAT tools cannot replace human work, but they allow translators to work more efficiently and be more productive while maintaining quality, and in addition, they also ensure savings for the client.

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